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The impartial guide to independent work. Helping you navigate self-employment, find good answers and ask important questions.

This Week in the Resource Library

Every week we add and update new resources to the library - based upon your questions, and years of experience working with and being freelancers.

Freelancer Asked Questions
"Why do I keep getting ghosted?"

Based upon the questions we get frequently (and infrequently) asked by our community, sharing the answers with you.

Read this week's "FAQ"
"Dealing with quiet periods when freelancing"

Based upon the questions we get frequently (and infrequently) asked by our community, sharing the answers with you.

Read this week's Guide
For the Diary
October 5: Self Assessment registration deadline

If you've been earning money as a freelancer between April 2023 and April 2024, you need to submit your Self Assessment tax return by October 5th.

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Ellie Stamouli on Dealing with Late Payments when freelancing

Ellie Stamouli - a self-employed marketing consultant for climate-tech and mission-driven brands shares her experience of dealing with late payments whilst self-employed.

Read the freelancer story

Louise Wilson on The value of community for freelancers

Louise Wilson, a strategic marketing & communications consultant, shares her experience of networking and finding support in freelancing communities

Read the freelancer story

Popular guides

Making freelancing easier to navigate.

Self-employment can be complicated - so we're building the independent guide to independent work.

There are so many amazing resources online, but finding good quality answers to common questions can be hard.

And then there's all the questions you didn't realise you needed to ask.

Freelancing Support is here to help you navigate freelancing, and build a business that works for you.

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