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Pricing can be incredibly challenging to get right, even for the most seasoned of freelancers. Dave Smyth, author of the Freelancing Pricing Guide, shares his views on setting pricing, and why it's not always intuitive.
New day-rate data is published today from YunoJuno, but does an increases in day rates actually paint the full picture?
Working solo can make keeping yourself focused and accountable a challenge. Alex Andrews of Freelance Friends shares how accountability sessions can help you to stay on track for the day.
An initial burst of work and interest in your freelancing can often proceed a dip in work, and recognising that periods of time where you're not working is part of freelancing for many.
Your first project is complete, but you're just getting started. Keep on top of marketing, lining up the next project, and developing your skills.
Shib and I have big ambitions for 2025 - it's the year of
Don't delay in raising your invoice, and make sure you follow the process to ensure you're paid on time.
You're required to keep good records of your income and expenses, both to help you report to HMRC, but also to manage your business.
Use the opportunity at the end of the first project to ask for feedback or testimonials, which you can use to learn from or in your marketing.
It's an unfortunate fact of freelancing that you'll most likely have to deal with late payments at some point. Doing everything you can to mitigate them in the first place is best, but understanding your rights and how to deal with late payers is also essential.
Use the opportunity at the end of the first project to ask for feedback or testimonials, which you can use to learn from or in your marketing.
It's worth putting your money aside after your received payment, so you're not tempted to spend it. We look at some of the options available to you.
It's worthwhile taking a moment to reflect upon your first project - what worked well for you, what lessons you learned, what questions you have, and what things you might do differently next time.
Capture any concerns, questions or things you want to work on in a single place, so you can keep track of the small gaps and improvements you'd like to make over time.
Capture any positives, small achievements or progress you make - so you can look back, and easily see how you're getting on. And don't forget to celebrate and share the wins too!
Don't forge to celebrate this significant milestone - delivering and getting paid for your first freelance project - it's a huge win, and you deserve to be proud!