Before I started freelancing, I wish I'd known...

I've spoken to thousands of freelancers, and these are the most common (and some less common) things they said they'd wish they'd know before they'd started freelancing.

We're writing up all of the WIKs we've heard, to create a comprehensive list, so you don't need to be surprised too.

Tell us your "Wish I'd Known" and we'll share it with others.

Tell us your WIK

WIK of the Week

A "Wish I'd Known" from the community.
Come back next week for another!

"Before I started freelancing I wish I knew about payment on account"

Payment on account surprises many freelancers, and it can be a painful cost you weren't expecting.

Read more

"If only I'd known about this two years ago ..."

I've been self-employed for over 30 years, and have been supporting fellow freelancers for 10+ years. In that time, I've spoken to literally thousands of freelancers.

This is a collection of the things they've told me they wish they'd known sooner, so you can avoid the missed know-how.

In addition, we're undertaking a meta-analysis of hundreds of blogs with titles like "15 things I'd wish I'd know before I started freelancing" to see if there are common patterns.

It's this work, plus my annual first party research into what challenges freelancers face, which powers the Freelancing Support and Flightplan platforms.

Stay in touch with us, to hear when we launch new resources.


What do you wish you'd known?

Yes please.