Freelancing Support

NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement):

/ˌnɒn dɪsˈkləʊʒər əˈɡriːmənt/ noun A non-disclosure agreement is a contract which prevents you from sharing confidential information with others.

An NDA or Non-Disclosure Agreement is an agreement that protects confidential information from being shared.

Even before you’ve signed a contract, an NDA allows a client to share a little more about a project, for example, what the project is, who they are, and what they do, any commercial insights, or perhaps even talking about a secret new product.

Most NDAs are mutual - meaning both parties agree to keep anything which is shared with them, confidential.

Signing an NDA is generally absolutely fine - all it’s saying is that you won’t share the information with anyone else.

But it’s important to understand what you’re agreeing to - as some NDAs can put significant liabilities on you, should the client claim that you’ve shared confidential information. Some NDAs state that you’re responsible for any loss the client suffers as a result of confidential information being shared - sometimes they don’t even need to prove you shared it!

As with any legal document, it’s really important to understand what you’re signing before you sign it. Speak to a lawyer or legal profession if you’re unsure, use tools like ChatGPT to ask if there are any concerning clauses, and speak to your community for advice.

Related Glossary Terms


a clause in a contract which prevents you from working with competitive businesses to your client for a period of time.


A clause in a contract which prevents you from directly seeking work from your client's clients.

Featured Resources

More from the Ecosystem

Freelancer NDAs: A Comprehensive Guide to What You Need to Know
A detailed overview of Freelancer NDAs, offering essential information and tips for understanding and using non-disclosure agreements in freelance work.
The Trouble with NDAs
Dave Smyth on why he thinks NDAs are a bad idea for freelancers.
FriendDA is a gentler version of an NDA.
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